Planning to “retire” from driving

Planning to "retire" from driving

Did you know that we usually outlive our ability to drive safely by six to ten years? As we age, we naturally modify how we drive to address physical changes: Stiff joints, poor vision, slow reflexes. But a time will come when it’s simply unwise to continue behind the wheel.

We do plenty of planning and preparation before retiring from work. Similarly, it’s smart to take a moment and consider the probability that you may not be driving your last few years. How can you retire from driving without giving up an active life?

Most people find it works best to have more than one driving alternative. Check these out:

  • Family and friends. This is by far the most common strategy.
  • Ride-sharing apps. Services such as Lyft and Uber can be extremely helpful (and not that expensive when you factor in the costs of a vehicle, gas, insurance, etc., that you are being spared). Both services are exploring senior options with door-to-door assistance. No smartphone? Consider a phone service such as
  • Local transportation programs. Many churches and senior centers have volunteer driver programs that are free or low cost. These are ideal for errands or doctor appointments. Think about “paying it forward” by serving as a volunteer driver now.
  • Public transportation. Standard buses are an option. Some have a “buddy program or a “senior training day” to help you get oriented. Many public transit companies also provide “paratransit” services. This is a low-cost, door-to-door service available for those who meet disability criteria. Rides must be scheduled a day or two in advance.
  • Special service vans. Senior centers often put together ride packages to cultural events. Leave the driving and the parking to someone else! Medical or cancer treatment centers may offer transportation. Take shuttle services to the airport.
  • Self-driving cars. Wonderful to anticipate, but they are some time off as yet.
  • Online services. Spare the trip! Order online and take advantage of delivery services. Arrange for appointments to be done by video chat when possible.

Considering a move or downsizing? Factor in driving retirement. Would your new abode allow for easy walking to where you want to go? To public transportation? For assisted living, is there van service to doctors or shopping?

Find out now what’s available. Check out or call 855-607-4337 (toll-free, nationwide) to find local driving alternatives.

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